Thursday 22 October 2015

New Beginnings Day 2

As I continue with my exercise of thanksgiving and my appreciation if God's goodness, I would like to share a text I got from one of the very many people who continually support my dreams and career goals.

"Regarding your exam,  just choose to believe that you are already successful so as to overcome every element of fear that could potentially impair the depth of your understanding of the materials as you study. (Remember that FEAR is False  Evidence Appearing to be Real). Our God reigns! Shine on Kemi! The world will hear about your victory in Jesus' name, Amen!"

Those words have extremely blessed me and reading this text everyday motivates me to put in my very best when I study .

So ...... God's greatness Day 2 (Oct 22)

- My cousin had a baby boy today. This is a long time coming and in a span of 2 years God has blessed her with a daughter and now a son..... Indeed God is Almighty.

-I am grateful for my ClassyDiva ladies and my awesome JKL sisters. Having all this ladies daily encourage me and pushing me constantly not to give up is one out of my many blessing and support system. I bless God every day for these ladies.

On that note Day 2 was glorious

Signing out

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