Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Grace through my wilderness. Learning to be grateful.

This past Sunday in church being the 1st Sunday of the month and designated as a thanksgiving Sunday in my church, I can't help but ponder on what it means to be grateful and appreciate what God has done for me.

The past few day to weeks, I constantly find myself asking God why it seems like I have come to a stand still and not moving forward in any areas of my life . But after reading through severe verses and some encouraging post today, can I really say God hasn't been God to me?

"The devil comes to steal and to destroy the plans that God has for us" and I have to constantly remind myself of that. I have to actively keep my mind engaged with the things of God. It is so easy to be drawn into our constant wants and needs and that is what the devil wants but I have determined today that I will not let this liar -the devil to steal my joy and my heart of gratitude. I will constantly find a way to be thankful to God.

God woke me up today and so I Am Thankful

I have food to eat and so I Am Thankful

Even though school has been tough lately, I Am Thankful

So if you feel down, angered by current circumstances remember that God is still right by your side and He is there to love you continuously so don't let the devil steal your heart of Gratitude and Thanksgiving.


  1. I am so glad to see you here on blogger.
    Oh my the way I love your blog name, so so beautiful.

    I totally agree with you it is so easy to focus on the negative but we have to keep our focus on God and not the devil.

    Thanks for this encouragement.

    1. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement Funmi. The Lord almighty will definitely continue to bless you because your blog is one of the very few that keeps me going.
