Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Our Faith Must Run Deeper

So I have been away for a while, I have been overwhelmed with school and life. But even with my busy schedule, I endeavor to read my bible and talk to God daily ( one of my 2015 goals) either through fellowshipping with other believers, reading daily devotional emails or just conversing with God silently. 

Lately due to the circumstances that has surrounded situations in my life- from school to relationship to family and friends, I have come to realize the importance of Love and Faith in every believer's life.

Love - genuine love requires that I give away a part of myself with no condition attached or idea that I want something back in return. Even in the dating world this is what differentiates a godly courtship  from a worldly courtship. Romans chapter 10 makes me understand the love of God for His children. Just as the shepherd cares for his sheep, God cares just as much for me and loves me with an unconditional love which is why He sent His only son who knew no sin to die for my sake. This assures me that even my past sin have been forgiven (regardless of what the devil tries to tell me) because of the Love God has for me and indeed I am grateful.

Having faith sometime requires that you let go on your own will and understanding and trust that God has it all covered. We have to learn how to stop worrying because when we actually analyze the things we worry about- it's nothing in the sight of God. Lests take a look at the story of the woman with the issue of blood and the type of faith she portrayed. This woman had a disease that held her bound for years but her faith had no boundary and she was determined to be heal even if Jesus couldn't lay hands on her. This is the kind of faith that I seek and desire from God. A faith that would address every situation in my life from my marital life to my career to my purpose here on earth. 

So I ask myself how can I build a faith such as this? By working with God, learning about His ways, dying daily to sin and the flesh. Indeed it's not going to be easy because the devil doent want us to build a solid relationship such as this with God but if our desires are glaring to God, he will send his holy spirit to stir up our spirit to be inclined to His ways. 

My prayer is that God will equipe us with the genuine Love to love one another and the things of His kingdom. Also that our faith would grow daily and we will continually grow in knowledge and wisdom so that we can fulfill the purpose of God in our lives. 

Remain blessed always
❤️ Kemi

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Guard your heart

For “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34 NKJV ). While we wait let's learn to guard our hearts.
Just the other day, I decided to incorporate 3 new things into my day to day activity
1. Praying everyday not necessarily in the morning but spend some time talking with my maker and acknowledging that He is God.

2. Worship and praising God even if it's just 2 songs a day but dedicating time in worshipping God and spend time in His prescience. I was created to worship Him and I want that to be part of me. 

3. Reading my bible daily, meditating on God's word and having a quiet time so I can hear back from God.

I can truly say that I have seen the goodness of God already since I started to incorporate these things in my day to day activities. I know the best is yet to come but while I wait, I prepare myself spiritually and emotionally. 

Now your turn? What are some of the things you do daily to make sure that you guard your heart in regards to the things of God?

Remain blessed always ❤️

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Today's reading from Sarah Jake's book "Colliding with destiny"...... My reflections

"You don’t become bitter over night; it’s a defense mechanism you gradually create in order to never be hurt again. I began to constantly relive memories of hurt. I called it protection; the world called it bitter. Eventually I realized I couldn’t let that consume me. When I didn’t understand why things weren’t working the way I wanted, I needed to think ahead and focus on hope. We must continue to stay in His will even when we feel we’re out of His vision." From Colliding with Destiny by Sarah Jakes

Hope.... That is what we have as christian- Hope. The hope that God has our back and He will never leave or forsake us. The hope and confidence that God will be there at all times and boldness that His promise is yea and Amen. Sometimes we face tough situations and are blinded by our personal wants and circumstances that life throws at us. This is the very point when we have to activate our hope and trust in God. 

Let's look at the story of Abraham for just a second. The type of hope that Abraham exhibited was because of the relationship that he had with God. This relationship allows for a different type of boldness which is why when God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac , Abraham didn't hesitate sacrificing his son- Isaac. This is the kind of hope that we as Christians and followers of Christ should have in God not just when things are going right but also when things are going crazy and wild. 

 Romans 4: 18-21
"Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform." 

For me my realization is that I have let many things disrupt my thoughts and beliefs. I have become so bitter with circumstances in life and I didn't even realize how much of pretense I have had to put up so that I don't address my fears and worries. When I graduated from college my dream career was to be. Medical doctor- a surgeon to be precise but my first stumbling block was not getting into a medical school right after college. As much as it never bothered me at that time because I believed that all things would work together for my good as long as I keep loving God which was what I did then several years ago. Well to God be the glory I finally got into a medical school not the one I wanted and not in the United States but that is to say God does work in mysterious ways when we keep hope and trust in Him. I can attest to the fact that it hasn't been an easy journey but God out of Grace as always shown up at the right time.

Now looking back at the journey thus far, I can say that God kept me. Yes he has indeed kept me away from things that I probably don't know of. Being away in a different country where I knew no one has thought me to trust in God alone and to lean on Him always, seeking His face and understanding. It is interesting sometimes how life situations pushes us to the point where we have no one else to lean on, trust, cry to except to God who has always been there from the very beginning. 

So I urge you to continue hoping, continue trusting and believing that God Almighty who knows the end from the beginning is able to do exceedingly abundantly far above your imaginations.

Remain blessed always,
Destined by Grace

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Grace through my wilderness. Learning to be grateful.

This past Sunday in church being the 1st Sunday of the month and designated as a thanksgiving Sunday in my church, I can't help but ponder on what it means to be grateful and appreciate what God has done for me.

The past few day to weeks, I constantly find myself asking God why it seems like I have come to a stand still and not moving forward in any areas of my life . But after reading through severe verses and some encouraging post today, can I really say God hasn't been God to me?

"The devil comes to steal and to destroy the plans that God has for us" and I have to constantly remind myself of that. I have to actively keep my mind engaged with the things of God. It is so easy to be drawn into our constant wants and needs and that is what the devil wants but I have determined today that I will not let this liar -the devil to steal my joy and my heart of gratitude. I will constantly find a way to be thankful to God.

God woke me up today and so I Am Thankful

I have food to eat and so I Am Thankful

Even though school has been tough lately, I Am Thankful

So if you feel down, angered by current circumstances remember that God is still right by your side and He is there to love you continuously so don't let the devil steal your heart of Gratitude and Thanksgiving.

Getting back on track

Its been a long while since I wrote in blog especially after deciding to start my journey of living a joyous victorious one but a lot has been happening since I last wrote in my blog so now I need to recharge and start afresh. 
So school.... Hmm journey to becoming a medical doctor hasn't been easy especially trying to balance medical school, masters program and also working part-time but I am grateful to God for the strenght to move on... 
My quote for the day is "if my God is for me who can be against me"  Nobody yep that's right no one
So today I decide to take another leap of faith and start over again.... 

An import from old blog

Pardon me but..... I hope my journey is able to inspire someone out there.

So after so much accomplishments, growth, drama, learning experiences and starting over.... I decided to take the rest of 2014 for myself and grow in areas that I am lacking..... I AM CALLING IT MY 3L's....... Live, Love and Laugh.

A little bit about myself...... A 2???? year-old Nigerian female currently living in the United States. I just completed my 2nd year of medical school at American University Antigua. I definitely loved living in Antigua but glad to be back in the U.S with friends and family. My Journey in Antigua would be for another day :-). I am the first and only female in a family of 3- Love my brothers dearly and grateful to be their big sis. I graduated from University of Minnesota with a B.Sc in Biochemistry and in addition have a Masters in Business Admin from Plymouth University. Currently in working on my MPH in addition to my MD career. Above all I love God dearly and even though my walk and ways have been through a lot of trials and tears.... God never leaves my side..... which is why I decided to start on this journey

DAY #1
Start out my day with a prayer to God and pray that this week I accomplish a lot of things that I need to get done. After a slow morning of getting out of bed and doing the necessary AM routine finally got out of the house to start my day with lots of assignments and studying to catch up on. So far by noon, I had very few things accomplish but I can't loose hope yet its day #1 and I still have 12 more hours to go.

As I prepare for my board assessment exam know as NBME Comprehensive exam, I decided to organize my studying schedule and resources and voila..... I am all set to get on this plane to SUCCESS!!!

Quote of the day: When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. you sit still and trust the engineer. Trust God today no matter the situation. God says, " Your are coming out!"