Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Our Faith Must Run Deeper

So I have been away for a while, I have been overwhelmed with school and life. But even with my busy schedule, I endeavor to read my bible and talk to God daily ( one of my 2015 goals) either through fellowshipping with other believers, reading daily devotional emails or just conversing with God silently. 

Lately due to the circumstances that has surrounded situations in my life- from school to relationship to family and friends, I have come to realize the importance of Love and Faith in every believer's life.

Love - genuine love requires that I give away a part of myself with no condition attached or idea that I want something back in return. Even in the dating world this is what differentiates a godly courtship  from a worldly courtship. Romans chapter 10 makes me understand the love of God for His children. Just as the shepherd cares for his sheep, God cares just as much for me and loves me with an unconditional love which is why He sent His only son who knew no sin to die for my sake. This assures me that even my past sin have been forgiven (regardless of what the devil tries to tell me) because of the Love God has for me and indeed I am grateful.

Having faith sometime requires that you let go on your own will and understanding and trust that God has it all covered. We have to learn how to stop worrying because when we actually analyze the things we worry about- it's nothing in the sight of God. Lests take a look at the story of the woman with the issue of blood and the type of faith she portrayed. This woman had a disease that held her bound for years but her faith had no boundary and she was determined to be heal even if Jesus couldn't lay hands on her. This is the kind of faith that I seek and desire from God. A faith that would address every situation in my life from my marital life to my career to my purpose here on earth. 

So I ask myself how can I build a faith such as this? By working with God, learning about His ways, dying daily to sin and the flesh. Indeed it's not going to be easy because the devil doent want us to build a solid relationship such as this with God but if our desires are glaring to God, he will send his holy spirit to stir up our spirit to be inclined to His ways. 

My prayer is that God will equipe us with the genuine Love to love one another and the things of His kingdom. Also that our faith would grow daily and we will continually grow in knowledge and wisdom so that we can fulfill the purpose of God in our lives. 

Remain blessed always
❤️ Kemi

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